为了满足星载应用对于固态功率放大器长寿命的应用需求,针对近年来研究较多的氮化镓(gallium nitride,GaN)固态功率放大器(solid state power amplifier,SSPA),阐述了器件存在的可靠性问题,提出了整机高可靠设计方法。首先,探讨了氮化镓器件的典型失效机理,给出了氮化镓器件在高场退化以及热退化方面的研究结果,分析了逆压电极化效应及热载流子效应引起器件退化的物理机制。其次,围绕降额设计、整机热设计以及电路稳定性设计,研究了如何针对氮化镓器件的特点实现星载固放的高可靠设计,并给出了典型的仿真及实验结果。最后,给出了典型的星载固态功率放大器空间环境模拟试验结果,产品在热真空试验、温循老炼以及高温老炼等试验过程中表现出了较高的稳定性和一致性,为氮化镓固态功率放大器的上星应用提供了有力的支撑。
The degradation of device parameters and the degradation of the stress induced leakage current (SILC) of thin tunnel gate oxide under constant direct-tunneling voltage stress are studied using nMOS and pMOSFETs with 1. 4nm gate oxides. Experimental results show that there is a linear correlation between the degradation of the SILC and the degradation of Vth in MOSFETs during different direct-tunneling (DT) stresses. A model of tunneling assisted by interface traps and oxide trapped positive charges is developed to explain the origin of SILC during DT stress.