Objective: To evaluate psychometric properties of a Chinese version of Adult Attachment Questionnaire (AAQ3.1). Methods: Score s on the AAQ3.1 were c ompared among 152 students,114 students’ parents and 37 patients. Results: In ternal consistency in terms of item-total correlations was found to be high, but somewhat lower than what was found in the West. High discriminative power was f ound for differentiating between clinical and non-clinical samples, as well as b etween adult and adolescent samples. Significant correlation was found between husbands and wives. Conclusion: AAQ3.1 have acceptable re liability and validity for evaluating attachment of Chinese adults.
Objective: To conduct a comparative analysis on children with the latest Draw-A-Person Test (DAPT, Hangzhou norm). Methods: DAPT was administered to 1837 children aged from 7 to 12 in different regions for comparison. Results: As compared to the Hangzhou norm of DAPT, the total scores among children in different cities showed no significant differences. However, reliable difference was found between children in urban and rural areas. Conclusion: Children in urban and rural areas showed significant difference in intelligence as assessed by DAPT.