英语阅读练习的提问方式中,有的颇让人费解,如果切人点把握不好,没弄明白所问意图,所选答案就会离题相去甚远;如果把握好了,答案就会更有把握。下面两种常见的提问方式值得同学们注意:What is the passage mainly about? 和What is the main idea of the passage ?
The Rich Family I’ll never forget Easter 1946.I was fourteen, my(1) sister,Ocy,was twelve and my elder sister,Darlene,was sixteen.We lived at home with our mother,and the four of us knew what it was to do without.My dad had died five years(2),leaving Mom with no money and seven school-aged kids to (3).
请改正下列句子中的错误:a.Last week my brother and 1 went to the market and buy some fish.b.Nowadays the days are more shorter.在a句中,buy-bought或and-to;在b句中,more-much。以上是单句改错,句意简单、语法明了、结构单一,所以操作比较容易。但在高中阶段,学生接触的是短文改错。短文改错难度相对加大,如果没有正确的方法和策略,就会无从下手,一片茫然。下面笔者就教学中如何处理短文改错的方法和策略谈几点体会。