中外合作办学将培养国际化人才作为办学目标,跨文化交际能力是国际化人才在国际交流中必备的能力。本文以北京–都柏林国际学院大四本科生为例,运用跨文化交际能力自测量表测试学生跨文化交际能力。结果显示学生跨文化交际能力处于较好水平。在影响跨文化交际能力的8个要素中,受试学生在跨文化意识维度取得了最高分,而在跨文化知识和语言知识维度表现出明显不足。本文分析影响学生跨文化能力各要素的原因,并为中外合作办学培养和提高学生跨文化交际能力提供参考建议。The purpose of Chinese-foreign cooperatively run schools is to foster students who can perform well in the international background, which entails that they have high level intercultural com-munication competence. This research measures the intercultural communication competence of senior students in Beijing-Dublin International College by using Intercultural Communication Competence Self-Report Scale. Results indicate that students have relatively high level of inter-cultural communication competence. Students achieved the highest mean score in the intercultural awareness module, which is one of the 8 modules being tested, and the results also show that students have deficiency in the intercultural knowledge and linguistic competence modules. This research aims to analyze the reasons of students’ advantages and disadvantages in intercultural communication competence and make recommendations for Chinese-foreign cooperatively run schools to improve their students’ intercultural communication competence.