200nm gate-length power InAlAs/InGaAs MHEMTs with T-shaped gate are characterized for DC, RF, and power performance. The MHEMTs show excellent DC output characteristics with an extrinsic transconductance of 510mS/ mm and a threshold voltage of - 1.8V. The fT and fmax obtained for the 0.2μm × 100μm MHEMTs are 138 and 78GHz, respectively. Power characteristics are obtained under different frequencies. When input power (Pin) is - 0. 88dBm (or 2. 11dBm),the MHEMTs exhibit high power characteristics at 8GHz. Output power (Pout) ,associated gain, power added efficiency (PAE) and density of Pout are 4. 05(13.79)dBm,14. 9(11.68)dB,67. 74(75.1)% ,254(239)mW/mm respectively. These promising results are on the path to the application of millimeter wave devices and integrated circuits with improved manufacturability over InP HEMT.