Language is a means of verbal communication.People use language to communicate with each other.In the society,no two speakers are exactly alike in the way of speaking.Some differences are due to age,gender,statue and personality.Above all,gender is one of the obvious reasons.The writer of this paper tries to describe the features of women's language from these perspectives: pronunciation,intonation,diction, subjects,grammar and discourse.From the discussion of the features of women's language,more attention should be paid to language use in social context.What's more,the linguistic phenomena in a speaking community can be understood more thoroughly.
近年来,我国红色旅游发展方兴未艾,虽取得一定成效,但创新力度尚显不足,打动人心的文化产品匮乏,且针对老中青等特定游客群体和目的地居民的学术研究较为匮乏。而旅游游亲和力(Affinity for Travel&Tourism)被世界经济论坛(WEF)视为旅游资源的重要支柱,重视目的地软环境、居民态度和游客导向,可望有效推动红色旅游的高质量发展。借鉴国内外红色旅游高质量发展的实践经验和研究文献,结合旅游亲和力的全新理念,从游客、目的地、居民的“三维一体”为切入点,提出塑造以红色文化软环境为抓手的亲和力红色旅游目的地、建设以居民参与创建为重点的亲和力红色文化软环境、开发以游客体验为核心的亲和力红色旅游产品等路径,以期提高红色旅游的发展水平。