阿迦汗博物馆(The Aga Khan Museum)位于加拿大安大略省多伦多市,该馆由什叶派穆斯林支派伊斯玛仪派精神领袖阿迦汗四世及其信众共同捐资兴建,于2014年9月18日正式开馆。2015年11月,笔者在多伦多大学访学期间,有幸参观了阿迦汗博物馆。据馆方介绍,目前该馆有馆藏文物1000余件,包括了瓷器、金属器、石器、木器、玻璃器、丝织品、象牙制品、水晶制品以及羊皮画、纸画等,在地域上涵盖了西起伊比利亚半岛、东到中国的伊斯兰文明和艺术。
In 2009, a small-scale trial excavation was conducted to Xueshan Site at Chengjiang County, Yunnan Province. The trial excavation recovered a semi-subterranean house foundation (F1) and a stilt house foundation (F2). The potteries and bronze arrowheads unearthed from F1 were similar to the artifacts of Shizhaishan Culture and therefore this house foundation would have belonged to Shizhaishan Culture, and was used as refuse pit after it was abandoned in the Six Dynasties Period. Only a small part of F2 was recovered in this excavation and its date is still waiting for further fieldwork.