《法律之门》是马萨诸塞大学法律系几位教授编著的法学教科书,英文书名Before the Law:An Introduction to the Legal Process,直译应为《法的门前——法律过程导论》。现在的中文第二版,已经是英文第八版了。本书以卡夫卡的小说《审判》中一篇古奥而富于悲剧性的寓言开始,以美国巡回法院关于网络文件共享软件的裁决作结,为研习法律提供了广博、结构开放而又决不墨守律法的蓝本。
By exploring the proper title, definition, types, causes and ways of redressing unjust criminal cases, the paper intends to draw the attention of Chinese scholars to the various issues relating to unjust criminal cases. A large part of the paper is devoted to reviewing the current research on issues relating to unjust criminal cases in the US. The author points out that the solution of redressing unjust criminal cases ultimately depends on the perfection of system of the rule of law.