There are many extant endemic plants in China, which were widely distributed in the North Hemisphere during Tertiary. The global cooling during the Tertiary caused a series of narrow distribution regions of the plants. Quaternary glaciation invaded most regions of North America and Eurasia where severe destruction was imposed onto vegetation. However, such destruction was lessened in China largely because of specific topographic and geographical and obviously, a number of other conditions accounted for an unusual refugee camp for the relics of plants in China, among which lots of endemic taxa exist. Recently, Chinese endemic species, such as Metaseqouia, Eucommia , have been employed to conduct multi_disciplinary comprehensive studies so as to analyze Tertiary climate changes quantitatively. Meanwhile, a rigorous method, i.e. climate analysis of endemic species (CAES) has come to maturation. This method is characteristic of some generality because it is supposed to be applicable to the endemic species in other regions of the world. CAES is involved in the following aspects: 1. Conduct multidisciplinary studies on living and fossil species of endemic plants and trace their evolutionary courses. 2. Compare fossil species with living one and clarify which is the nearest living relative (NLR) to fossil counterpart. 3. Fossils and their living counterparts (NLR) are supposed to have similar ecological requirements to meet their life cycles. 4. Investigate the geographic distribution of living and fossil plants within the same taxa and ascertain the dynamic changes of their distributions in geological age. 5. Analyze climate factors in the distribution of specific endemic taxa and obtain the data of climatic characters which are suitable for reconstruction of paleoclimate where fossil counterparts lived. 6. Further study the physio_ecology of living species and determinate paleoclimate where fossil counterparts lived. 7. Integrate analysis of the data from steps 4, 5 and 6, and quantitatively reconstruct the climate wh
该文综述了北京地区全新世以来植被演替和气候变化的相关研究资料,这些资料反映了当前阶段对该地区该时段植被与气候环境格局特征的认识。北京地区全新世早期(约12 000–8 000 cal a B.P.)植被为森林草地和/或针叶树占主导的针阔混交林,森林中阔叶树类群逐渐增多,指示了气候由寒冷干燥转为温暖湿润;全新世中期(约8 000–2 000 cal a B.P.前后)植被为暖温带针阔混交林,指示暖湿气候;全新世晚期(约2 000 cal a B.P.以来)转为森林草地和/或针叶树占主导的针阔混交林,气候转向凉干。植被演替反映的湿润度变化与季风区其它地区变化趋势一致。值得注意的是,前人研究揭示北京地区山区与平原中植被类型和类群组成已经出现空间分异。今后如能深入开展定量古气候重建研究,有可能精确描述其气候变化的过程,增进中国不同地理单元同时期气候变化的对比。