能量差值信息隐藏(differential energy watermarking,DEW)算法通过有选择地舍弃视频图像中某些区域的部分高频DCT系数,形成能量差异而达到信息嵌入的目的.为此,利用视频序列时间域的强相关性建立针对性统计估计模型,侦测DEW算法所造成的载体信息统计特性变化,并结合K-S统计假设检验方法设计一种视频信息隐藏分析算法.结果表明,此算法能够有效地检测压缩视频码流中是否有DEW算法嵌入的特定信息.
The rapid growth of computer and network technique has made it an urgent task to authenticate the digitalmultimedia data. Two kinds of techniques, digital signature and digital watermarking, can be used for digital image/video authentication. This paper presents their general frameworks and the fundamental demands, analyzes their ad-vantages and disadvantages, and introduces various existing algorithms. The paper also reviews the current state ofthe two techniques, and discusses some trends and issues to be resolved in the future.