The concept of the coherence function is adopted to find the wind pressure correlation of two points on domes of different rise-span ratios. The pressure measurements are made on the dome roof models by the wind tunnel test. The coherence functions for different separation distances at several directions of the domes from different wind directions are examined. The results show that there is a strong correlation for two adjacent points at low frequency, but not for non-adjacent points. The coherence of the wind pressure increases with the decrease in the separation distance. Moreover, the coherence of the wind pressure is in the strongest correlation on the along-wind direction at the same separation, but the lowest correlation is on the cross-wind direction. The detailed derivation of the proposed exponential coherence model of the wind pressure from experimental data is also discussed. It is found that the proposed exponential coherence model can be appropriate, especially, for small separations and the change in the directions on domes. Based on the quasi-steady theory, the relationship between the wind pressure and the wind velocity on the basis of the coherence model is also examined. The coherence observed between the wind pressure and the wind velocity is not adequately predicted by the quasi-steady theory.