" Pride and Prejudice" is one of Jane Austen's masterpieces. It is universally read from its magnificent opening sentence to the end and we can feel its author is great and the novel is well constructed. In the most striking place, the use of comic irony makes us feel the comedy and satire of the whole novel and also the most shining people Elizabeth Bennet who gains the most admiration in print. From it, we can also appreciate the love and marriage between the ladies and gentlemen of the landed gentry; the complicated pride and prejudice between the hero and heroine which make the novel more vivid and believable and the characters more truthful than ever; the author's mastery of language and the great achievement of the novel.
ESP是English for Specific Purposes的缩写,即"专门用途英语"或"特殊用途英语"。ESP教师的工作性质就是训练和培养学习者语言能力,教会学生用英语来表达和实践以汉语为媒介所学到的专业知识。目前英语教师向ESP教师转型时面临着专业素养提升的瓶颈,如何解决这些瓶颈,笔者提供了提升专业学科的学习能力等五方面的途径和方法。