Habitat management is essential for the conservation of wildlife, especially cranes. Here, we collected occurrence data at wintering grounds for four cranes (Leucogeranus leucogeranus, Grus monacha, Antigone vipio and G. grus) and analyzed associated environmental variables to model and project overall potential wintering habitat using Maxent. ENMTools was used to calculate the degree of niche overlap among cranes. Results showed that lakes in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River are main habitats for the four focal species. Inland water and coastal wetlands in Jiangsu are also potential wintering areas. G. grus spreads over central and eastern China. The four cranes show tight niche overlap in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Poyang Lake is one of the most important habitat sites for all four cranes, according to modeling and niche overlap results. Poyang Lake is cut into a dozen nature reserves, but a bigger nature reserve or system would be more effective for cranes. The conservation of these four crane species will be improved on the basis of this study.
阔叶红松林(Broadleaved Korean pine forest)是北温带物种最丰富的地带性群落之一,是极危动物东北虎(Panthera tigris altaica)的重要栖息地。长白山地区是阔叶红松林在中国范围内的中心分布区,中国政府建立了由24个自然保护区组成的网络来保护阔叶红松林及其他自然生态系统。以长白山地区为研究区域,在系统保护规划方法流程框架下,选择阔叶红松林生态系统中具有代表性的物种和群落做为优先保护对象,并制定量化保护目标,利用系统保护规划软件C-Plan,计算了研究区域规划单元的不可替代性值、各保护对象在保护网络中实现其保护目标的贡献值(Ti)及包含多个保护对象的保护区域的保护效率值(C),以此在多角度评估保护网络及其中各自然保护区的保护效率。结果显示:现有保护网络涵盖了本研究确立保护对象种类的90.4%,已达到保护目标的保护对象占其总数的25.3%。以保护阔叶红松林为"标尺"衡量各保护区的保护效率,长白山国家级自然保护区与松花江三湖省级自然保护区保护效率值最高,其余各保护区保护效率值不足10,整个保护网络保护效率值为59.99。不可替代性分析结果显示:仍有79.97%的高保护价值规划单元未被现有保护网络覆盖,空间上存在明显空缺。将空缺纳入保护网络后,新保护网络的保护效率值将提高到96.32,提高了36.33,77种保护对象达到保护目标(占保护对象总数的92.8%),5种保护对象仍未能达到保护目标,但保护对象贡献值Ti均不同程度提高,保护成效显著。