We analyzed the songs of the Asian Stubtail (Urosphena squameiceps),a migratory passerine that breeds in northeast Asia.The possibility of individual identification of this species by songs was examined in a population in northern China during the breeding season of 2010.Individuality was determined using discriminant function analysis,artificial neural networks and spectrographic cross-correlation.Our results show that,the rate of correct classification is satisfactory in this species,regardless of methods.From an applied perspective,spectrographic cross-correlation is most suitable.Besides its maximum rate of correct classification (89.4%),it does not require measurements of spectrograms,which is a necessity other methods and may introduce artificial errors.We hope that our result of individual identification on the basis of acoustic signals may open up a new research venue for this species.
通过系统地收集Web of Science数据库发表于1993—2022年鸟类鸣声回放的文献,对440篇文献的502项研究进行了汇总.回放实验对鸟类研究的应用集中在:以性选择和亲敌效应为主的种内研究,以捕食和巢寄生为主的种间研究,以围攻行为和群落监测为主的多物种研究;此外,在分类学中也有应用.回放实验的设计多采用单音箱回放的手段,包括单音箱重复回放和单音箱非重复回放2种实施方式;多模态信号刺激在回放实验中也占有一定比例.双音箱回放和互动回放2种实验设计远没有预期的重要.回放实验中的假重复问题已得到很好的解决,而回放实验过程的可重复性、分类研究中对雌鸟回放的缺失、回放声音的存储格式需要在今后的研究中得到关注.本文对回放实验的应用、实施方式以及存在的问题进行点评,以期为回放实验在鸟类鸣声研究中的应用提供参考和借鉴.