分析了C&K度量组中耦合度量指标(CBO)存在的问题,对其进行了改进,提出了一组正交的面向对象耦合度量(Orthog-onal Coupling Metrics Suite for Object-Oriented Design,OCMOOD)。并在Frank Sauer开发的Eclipse度量计算插件的基础上实现了OC-MOOD的自动计算,分析了JUnit3.8.1和JUnit3.7的OCMOOD度量值的计算结果,从而对OCMOOD的有效性进行了验证。
A practical approach is presented to enlarge the recoverable scope and improve the precision of pattern recovery. To specify both structural aspects and behavioral aspects of design patterns, we introduce traditional predicate logic combined with Alien's interval-based temporal logic as our theoretical foundation. Moreover, we take the Visitor pattern as an example to illustrate how to specify design patterns to support recovery of design patterns besides structural category. The experimental results show that the approach presented is practical for recovering design information of real world systems.