An intrusion detection (ID) model is proposed based on the fuzzy data mining method. A major difficulty of anomaly ID is that patterns of the normal behavior change with time. In addition, an actual intrusion with a small deviation may match normal patterns. So the intrusion behavior cannot be detected by the detection system.To solve the problem, fuzzy data mining technique is utilized to extract patterns representing the normal behavior of a network. A set of fuzzy association rules mined from the network data are shown as a model of “normal behaviors”. To detect anomalous behaviors, fuzzy association rules are generated from new audit data and the similarity with sets mined from “normal” data is computed. If the similarity values are lower than a threshold value,an alarm is given. Furthermore, genetic algorithms are used to adjust the fuzzy membership functions and to select an appropriate set of features.
分析最大频繁项集和完全频繁项集的关系,提出了一个挖掘最大频繁项集的高效算法DFMFI M iner(The M iner Basedon D epth-F irst Search ing forM in ingMaximal Frequent Item sets),采用深度优先方法搜索项集空间,采用垂直位图及一定的压缩方法对表示事务数据库并进行约简,并采用多种有效剪枝策略和优化策略,提高了算法的效率。在多个数据集上进行了实验,实验结果表明该算法特别适于挖掘具有长频繁项集的数据集。