北京大学DC-SC光阴极注入器和中国科学院高能物理研究所9cell超导腔均采用了数字化低电平控制系统,其中通讯子系统以STRATIX IV系列现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)开发板作为数字平台,通过采用编程片上系统(SOPC)技术及NIOS II IDE提供的开发环境,实现了三速以太网(TSE)的通讯功能,最后以LabView编辑的界面进行参数设定和数据读取。经过反复测试,通讯部分运行稳定。
The BEPC RF system has been changed to superconducting cavities during the last four years.In the Summer of 2006,the high power test had been successfully carried.In November,the East RF was put into commis- sioning.The SRF system above 1.0MV voltage has been reached with the e^+/e^- collision beam over 100mA,and the beam current improved to 2.5GeV/250mA with 100kW beam power.The beam test shows the good matching of the RF parameters with measuring value and theoretic calculation.The commissioning and the high power test will be presented in this paper.