新型冠状病毒感染疫情发展迅速,中药在这场防治疫情的战争中发挥着积极作用,已有大量确有疗效的方剂应用于临床。然而由于中药具有多成分、多靶点、多途径协同作用的特点,传统的抗病毒中药筛选研究受限于实验室条件和实验周期,极大地限制了筛选速度。该文基于分子对接进行潜在抗新型冠状病毒中药的筛选,通过获取2019-nCoV冠状病毒3CL水解酶(3CL protease,Mpro)和冠状病毒木瓜样蛋白酶(papain-like protease,PLP)的晶体结构,对中药化学成分数据库(traditional Chinese medicine database,TCMD 2009)进行基于分子对接的虚拟筛选,选择打分值排名前100的成分作为潜在抗新型冠状病毒活性的中药成分,并对成分来源中药进行频数统计,挑选命中成分数目较多的中药作为潜在抗新型冠状病毒活性的中药。研究结果显示,基于Mpro靶点筛选获得潜在抗新型冠状病毒活性成分12322个,代表性活性成分有紫菀五肽A、川芎嗪、丹酚酸B等,筛选得到的中药为生姜、紫菀、三七、川芎、丹参、干姜、瞿麦、大黄、肉苁蓉等;基于PLP靶点筛选获得潜在抗新型冠状病毒活性成分11294个,代表性活性成分有姜酮酚、白果醇、阿魏酸等,筛选得到的中药为党参、羌活、生姜、白果、川芎、瓜蒌、白芍、补骨脂、苦参、三七、当归等。结合文献报道的基于分子对接筛选的血管紧张素转换酶2(angiotensin converting enzyme 2,ACE2)靶点抑制活性候选中药,该文在湖南省新型冠状病毒肺炎中医药诊疗方案的基础上,将Mpro抑制、PLP抑制和ACE2抑制候选中药针对该疫情的合理应用进行了探讨,分析结果表明,PLP抑制活性筛选获得的瓜蒌及ACE2筛选获得的贝母包含于桑贝止嗽散、小陷胸汤之中,有清化热痰之功效,主治痰热壅肺所致的痰多咳喘或燥痰犯肺、干咳少痰、咯痰不爽,可应用于病毒作用初期外邪闭肺所致的咳嗽微�
Pharmacophore is a commonly used method for molecular simulation, including ligand-based pharmacophore (LBP) and structure-based pharmacophore (SBP). LBP can be utilized to identify active compounds usual with lower accuracy, and SBP is able to use for distin- guishing active compounds from inactive compounds with frequently higher missing rates. Merged pharmacophore (MP) is presented to integrate advantages and avoid shortcomings of LBP and SBP. In this work, LBP and SBP models were constructed for the study of per- oxisome proliferator receptor-alpha (PPARα) agonists. According to the comparison of the two types of pharmacophore models, mainly and secondarily pharmacological features were identified. The weight and tolerance values of these pharmacological features were adjusted to construct MP models by single-factor explorations and orthogonal experimental design based on SBP model. Then, the reliability and screening efficiency of the best MP model were validated by three databases. The best MP model was utilized to compute PPARα activity of compounds from traditional Chinese medicine. The screening efficiency of MP model outperformed individual LBP or SBP model for PPARα agonists, and was similar to combinatorial screening of LBP and SBP. However, MP model might have an advantage over the combination of LBP and SBP in evaluating the activity of compounds and avoiding the inconsistent prediction of LBP and SBP, which would be beneficial to guide drug design and optimization.