利用AFLP技术,分析了我国小麦条锈菌(Puccinia striformis f. sp. tritici)流行小种CY25,CY27,CY28,CY29,CY30,CY31和目前主要新致病类型Hybrid46致病类群类型3(Hy3),Hybrid46致病类群类型7(Hy7),水源11致病类群类型13(Sy13)以及紫外诱变菌系WV-4的DNA指纹特征,并与毒性分析进行了比较研究。主要结果如下:(1)供试菌系的AFLP指纹图谱具有很高的多态性,反映了菌系间存在丰富的遗传多样性;据此,用UPGMA聚类法建立了反映菌系间遗传距离的聚类分析树状图。(2)供试菌系的AFLP指纹多态性和毒性多态性不相关,基于这两种特征对菌系遗传关系的推断是不相同的。(3)AFLP所揭示的菌系间遗传变异度明显高于毒性分析,同时避免了毒性分析的一些缺陷,说明AFLP适合于小麦条锈菌的遗传多样性分析。(4)用DOLLOP建树法对供试菌系的进化关系作出了初步推断,结果显示供试新致病类型和原有小种可能是平行进化的。
cDNA libraries were constructed from the leaves of a rice (Oryza sativa L.) salt tolerancevariety Tesan抋i 2 growing in solutions with 150 mmol/L NaCl for 3 h or without salt stress. Three salt-responsive cDNA clones, Ts1, Ts2 and Ts3 were isolated by differential screening. Northern blottinganalysis showed that the transcription levels of Ts1 and Ts2 increased within 3 h salt stress and kept onincreasing within 24 h, while the transcription level of Ts3 reached its peak within 3 h. Sequence analysisindicated that there were no homologies between the three cDNA clones and any known gene. The threecDNA clones were mapped using a doubled haploid (DH) population derived from an indica variety ZYQ8,which was a salt tolerance parent of Tesan抋i 2, with a japonica variety JX17. Ts1, Ts2 and Ts3 werelocated on chromosomes 1, 3 and 7, respectively. It was noted that Ts1, Ts2, and Ts3 were in or near theregions of major or minor salt tolerance quantitative trait loci (QTLs), which were mapped in the same DHpopulation in a parallel study.