The term "Garrison Troops" in this article refers to the troops of the "Eight Banners" stationed in the capital and its environs. This system was introduced after the Manchu came to power, and was formally established in the early years during the reign of Emperor Kangxi. This article discusses the systems of the grrrison troops, their management and their distinctive phenomena.
《满文老档》太祖朝第79—81册题名为mukūn tatan be ejehe dangse,长期以来被误译为《族籍档》或《族档》。考证mukūn、tatan的含义及相关内容,可知此3册档案与族籍无关,而是万历三十八年努尔哈赤分配兼并哈达时所得363道和1道买得之敕书。努尔哈赤以这些敕书为凭,组成3个朝贡贸易团队分批前往开原南关取赏和贸易。这批敕书的来龙去脉,呈现了明末女真各部势力消长并渐被努尔哈赤统一的历程。而敕书所载信息,体现了明末女真卫所官员职级抬升、实权渐失,羁縻卫所制度已行将就木。在此过程中,敕书的政治功用基本丧失,仅成为入边朝贡贸易凭证。