In this paper a technique for determining ^235U abundance is described. After chemical separation, uranium-rich ore (a compound of uranium with chemical and radioactive pure)is made into U3O8 by burning at 850℃, and then the U3O8 is prepared as the radioactive measuring source with a definite weight and shape. The measurement is carried out of the net area of 185.7 keV γ -ray peak of ^235U by Ge (Li) γ -ray spectrometer, with the mixture of a number of primary uranium ores as normal abundance standard. Parallel analysis and counting are performed on the standard and samples with the same method. The abundance of ^235U will be known by comparing their net areas of 185.7 keV γ ray peaks of ^235U both in the samples and the standard. Two samples of uranium ore from China which are suspected to be anomalous in U abundance and one sample from Oklo natural reactor have been determined. The precision of the method is better than 1%.