In order to simulate changes in the water quality of the Miyun Reservoir dueto continuous descent of surface water level, a 3-D ecological hydrodynamic model was developedthrough coupling the water quality analysis simulation program (WASP) with the environmental fluiddynamics code (EFDC). The model was then calibrated and verified. Four scenarios (S1, S21, S22 andS23) were simulated using the model. Results show that the water quality of the Miyun Reservoirunder conditions of low surface water level is apparently affected by different amounts of inflowand different total phosphorus (TP) loadings. The chlorophyll-a concentration might exceed 10 μg/Lin many areas of the Miyun Reservoir (This limitative value is seen as a critical value ofeutrophication) when large loadings of TP enter due to the amount of inflow increasing. Results ofscenario S23 indicate that control of TP loadings can decrease chlorophyll-a concentrationeffectively, and the water quality of the Miyun Reservoir will improve or retain its status quo.