With the trend of globalization and the diversity of culture,language learners should improve intercultural communication competence in the flexible culture atmosphere.Especially,they should be aware of the importance of cultural identity in foreign language learning.On the basis of theories on intercultural communication study and second language acquisition,it will discuss the relationship between cultural identity and foreign language learning by analyzing the case study of language and culture learning experiences.
英语中的“对照”(antithesis)是一种结构工整、内容凝练并和汉语相似的修辞手段。美国作家马克斯.舒尔曼在其名篇Love is a Fallacy中从宏观构思到微观写法上都充分运用了“对照”手段,使作品成为永具魅力的流行经典。本文探讨了作品中主题、标题、故事大意、主要人物、中心线索、篇章结构、三个人物命名艺术、对话与非对话段落间的对照以及部分精彩对照句例的赏析。