对RoF系统中基带传输、中频传输、射频传输三种传输方案进行详细的描述,分析色散作用对其传输的影响,并利用Opt i syst em仿真软件搭建了仿真模型,对三种结构进行仿真。仿真结果表明:基带传输系统受色散影响最小;中频传输系统次之;射频传输系统受色散影响最大。为减弱色散作用的影响,在射频传输方案中采用了单边带调制技术,频谱图和眼图验证了单边带调制具有较强的抗色散性能。
Taking the time varying nature of wireless channels into account, two user selection schemes with lower complexity are developed for multiple-input multiple-output broadcast (MIMO BC)systems. According to the relationship between coherence time and Doppler frequency, an information frame is divided into several segments. At the beginning of each segment, the user selection is carded out with the greedy selection algorithm. In the simplified user selection algorithms employing the temporal correlation (SUSTC), the selection results are applied for all the remaining slots in each segment. But in the improved simplified user selection algorithms employing the temporal correlation(ISUSTC), at the remaining slots, users are kept with favorable channel conditions selected at the previous slot, and other users are updated from the candidate pool to communicate simultaneously. Simulations show that compared with the greedy user selection method, the proposed algorithms can reduce the selection complexity with a little sum capacity loss.