The rDNA-IGS of 11 Ustilaginoidea virens isolates from different geographical regions in China were amplified by PCR and sequenced. The results showed that the rDNA-IGS fragments consisted of one cen-tral variable region and two lateral conservative regions. The two conservative sequences among the11 isolates shared the sequence similarity of 99.44%. The variable region consisted of 2,4,or 6 of 77 bp-length-repeats in the isolates and the sequences of the repeat units were high conservative. Primers UIGS III and UIGS IV were designed for amplification of the variable region in the rDNA-IGS.
近年来,随着分子生物学技术的不断发展,真菌基因组的研究进展迅速。随着稻瘟病菌Magnaporthe oryzae等多种真菌的基因组测序计划的完成,GenBank中积累了大量功能未知的真菌DNA序列(Nakayashiki et al.2005)。鉴定这些基因的功能,明确这些序列的生物学特性己成为当前研究中的热点问题(Caracuel—Rios&Talbot 2008)。