目的:应用文献计量学的方法分析目前各国在万古霉素个体化给药方面的研究概况。方法:以ISI Web of Knowledge的Web of Science数据库为检索数据库资源,检索1990年1月1日至2018年6月22日研究万古霉素个体化给药的文献。采用文献计量的方法,分析检索到的文献在国家/地区、机构、作者、期刊分布、年发文量、引文数和高被引文献的情况。结果:Web of Science数据库中检索得到662条结果;发文量呈递增趋势;美国占总发文量的1/3,其次是日本、法国等国家,文献的平均引用次数17.92次。结论:万古霉素的个体化给药是临床用药领域的研究热点之一,美国在该方面研究成果较多,研究较深入。
To evaluate the safety of oral cabamazepine during breast milk feeding.The carbamazepine concentration in breast milk of one epilepsy maternal patient was assayed by high performance liquid chromatography,and the literature was reviewed to find the nursing evidence in the use of cabamazepine.The carbamazepine concentration in breast milk ranged from 0.34-0.86 mg/L.The neonate daily dose intake was estimated ranging from 0.34 mg to 0.86 mg through breast-feeding in theory.The literature showed that carbamazepine was generally considered safe for use during breast feeding;however,adverse effects should be monitored as recommended.It is better to avoid feeding at high concentration level to minimize the harm of carbamazepine to the baby.