This study aimed to study the germplasm characteristics of Tibetan goat distributed in Sichuan. Three male and three female goats of twelve-month-old Ti-betan goat were selected, and they were slaughtered for analysis of slaughter per-formance, muscle quality and muscle nutrients. The results showed that the pre-slaughter body weights, dressing percentages, meat percentages and carcass meat production rates of male and female Tibetan goats were (14.33±1.53) and (12.50±2.18) kg, (42.11±5.26)% and (43.85±4.51)%, (31.34±3.36)% and (32.84±3.16)%, and (72.34±0.54)% and (72.30±0.78)%, respectively. There were smal differences in car-cass size, carcass segmentation, muscle fiber properties, muscle quality, muscle nu-tritional composition, muscle minerals contents and muscle heavy metals contents between male and female Tibetan goats. A total of 18 kinds of amino acids were detected in the muscle of male and female Tibetan goats. The EAA/TAA ratios and EAA/NEAA ratios of male and female Tibetan goats were (39.18±0.38)%and (38.70±0.72)%, and (64.31±1.03)% and (63.21±1.92)%, respectively.