通过对粳稻细胞质雄性不育系秀岭 A 和 C8411的染色体限制性片段长度的多态性分析,定量地评估了它们的 F_1杂种基因组的杂合性。在评估时,总共检测了12对染色体上的122个位点,使用9种不同的限制性内切酶,结果发现,在26%的位点中有等位的差异,而且呈现多态性的位点不是随机或均匀地分布在不同的染色体上的。根据揭示多态性的限制性内切酶的数量,可将秀岭 A 和 C8411间的多态性分为二大类。本文还讨论了进一步用限制性片段长度多态性的分析技术研究杂种优势与基因组杂合性的途径。
Immature embryos, mature embryos and embryogenic calli of 6 rice (Oryza sativa L.) materials were transformed with particle bombardment. The plasmids pSSVstl and pVE5+ were used, both containing the phytoalexin gene from grapevine coding for stilbene synthase, but driven by 35S and its own promoter respectively. Through resistance selection for G418 (100 to 150 mg/L) or hygromycin (50 mg/L), 54 independent transgenic plants were isolated and further assessed by PCR, Southern blot and Dot blot analyses. The transgenic plants and their progenies were tested for resistance to blast ( Pyricularia oryzae ) and bacterial blight of rice ( Xanthomonas oryzae ). Preliminary results indicated that the stilbene synthase gene could enhance the resistance of transgenic plants and their progenies to both pathogens.