Karyotype of 3 species of the genus Orius Wolff were firstly studied using the Giemsa staining and squashing slides method in male germ cell. It is reported that number of chromosome and system of sex chromosome of haploid chromosome complement of these species is n=11A+X (Y) in the first meiotic stage. However, the behavior of chromosomes among the species are different distinctly, thus cytotaxonomic character can be adopted to the identification among the three species.
粘虫 Mythimna separata(Walker)是一种迁飞性害虫,严重危害玉米、水稻、小麦等粮食作物。 SSR 是指以1~6个核苷酸为基本重复单位的串联重复 DNA 序列。 SSR 位点的信息分析为粘虫扩散、迁飞和交配等行为分子机制的研究以及粘虫的综合防治奠定理论基础。本研究基于高通量测序获得的粘虫转录组数据,利用软件 msatcom‐mander 发掘粘虫 SSR 位点。结果从20776条转录组 Unigenes 中共搜索出400个 SSR ,分布于372条 Unigenes 中。在粘虫转录组 SSR 中,三核苷酸重复的数量最为丰富,有271个;其次是二核苷酸和单核苷酸重复,分别是70个和49个;四至六核苷酸重复的数量都很少,共10个。粘虫转录组 SSR 共包含24种重复基元,其中 CCG/CGG 是优势重复基元类型,有69个;其次是 AAG/CTT ,有57个。 CG/CG 有18个,在二核苷酸重复基元中所占的比例达到25.7%。此研究发掘到的 SSR 位点将为粘虫遗传图谱的构建、遗传多样性分析、亲缘关系分析等提供丰富的分子标记。