慕课"MOOC"(Massive Open Online Course,大规模在线开放课程)在全球的兴起,给传统的课堂教学带来了前所未有的冲击与挑战。虽然目前国内外高校慕课资源中生物化学课程的内容在不断增多,但这些课程缺乏系统分析研究,实践运用较少。本文将从慕课平台中生物化学课程分布特点,包括主要慕课平台、开设机构、授课语言、课程内容等方面,对这其中的生物化学课程资源进行分析,探讨军医大学生化教学在慕课时代下面临的问题与挑战,致力将信息化时代的慕课与传统教学有机结合,帮助教师在大量的慕课课程中进行选择,为促进军医大学生物化学教学改革提供参考。
One of uses of machine translation(MT),is helping readers to read for the gist of a foreign text through a draft transla tion produced by MT engines.Rapid post-editing,as Jeffrey Allen defines it as a"strictly minimal editing on texts in order to re move blatant and significant errors without considering stylistic issues",can help present the reader with a roughly comprehensi ble translation as quickly as possible.The purpose of this article is on a proposed set of rapid post-editing guidelines for Biblical Chinese-English MT,with its application on editing the English MT version of Chapter one of Mark(马尔谷福音) of the Chi nese Catholic Bible(天主教思高本圣经) as an example.
As a cutting-edge trend of translating,Computer-aided translation(CAT) plays a significant role in the field.Among kinds of CAT softwares,Trados and Déjà Vu became the mainstream of the translating market since they were available in the market.By discussing the environments of two CAT softwares in this paper,translators'efficiency would be improved to some degree in the future.