In order to improve the cigarette enterprise technology innovation and patent management status, the macro work should start from the four aspects of patent ideology introduction, patent organization design, perfecting patent system and implementation of specific measures, and attention should be attached to strengthen the cooperation of the cigarette enterprise management departments. On the other hand, Jn the microscopic work level, it should build the culture atmosphere of the entire tobacco industry respect intellectual property rights, actively cultivate the na- tional patent agents and patent engineers, and gradually promote the patent work to develop in the direction of specialization, self-independence, so as to construct a scientific mechanism for patent management, and enhance the core competitiveness of the tobacco industry.
分析聚氨酯和甲基磷酸二甲酯这2种性能突出的耐火材料国际专利布局情况,为我国乃至全球卷帘门窗耐火工艺研究提供专利预警。卷帘门耐火材料聚氨酯与甲基磷酸二甲酯工艺的专利总件数77件,IPC分类集中在A62C和E06B,前3位申请人均为韩国个人,美国STAUFFER CHEMICAL CO公司的同族专利数量25件位于第一,主要是C08G、C07G小类,布局重点在日本,中国在其他国家进行专利布局,可考虑绕开这些已布局国家及IPC类别,以迅速占领当地地区市场。
The research performed analysis on patent applicant ranking, IPC, patent type and legal status in order to explore application and authorization of front-end industry chain dominated by planting, breeding, soil improvement and substrate culti- vation technologies. The results showed that research institutions and big tobacco enterprises play a leading role in the tobacco industry, for example, Yunnan Tobac- co Agricultural S&T Research Institute and Guizhou Tobacco Agricultural S&T Re- search Institute have a total of 26 patents; A01G subclass represents 58% of total patents, dominated by Yunnan Tobacco Agricultural S&T Research Institute and Henan Agricultural University; there are only invention and practical use patents, of which invention patents represent 92%; authorized patents take up to 31% and in- valid patents represent 23%.
With the research on and development of Genetically Modified Food (GMF), people's attitude toward GMF may fall into two divergent categories, typical- ly represented by the United States(US) and the European Union(EU), respectively. The former follows a "sound science principle" and firmly objects to the precautionary principle, namely a permissive policy of positive support of and voluntary labelling on GMF; while the latter adopts a cautiously precautionary principle, requiring mandatory labelling and traceability. From the standpoint of regulatory principles, together with corresponding supervisory measures and relevant provisions, this paper compared the execution of directives and provisions on GMF from the initial policies enacted by the US and EU to current situation combined with the track and analysis of latest polic ies issued.