‘Oriental Show’ is a generation of new cucumber variety, with the superi-or inbred line ‘101’ as the female parent and inbred line ‘102’ as the male par-ent. The growth vigor tends to be strong and the first female blossom produces on the 4th or the 5th internode. Fruit is 34 cm long and 32 cm in transverse diameter. Per fruit weighs about 230 g. lt is dark green, densely covered with thorns. lt tastes crisp, containing 167.7 mg/kg Vc, and it is resistant to downy mildew, pow-dery mildew and bacterial angular leaf spot disease. lt is yielding and tolerant to low temperature and weak luminance. The yield can be as high as over 112 443.778 kg/hm^2, and ‘Oriental Show’ is suitable to be cultivated in greenhouses in early spring or solar greenhouses in north China or Henan province.