本期话题如下: 1.What is an ideal diet?How does one’s dletaffect his health? More grains More fruit More vegetables Less animal meat Less dairy food For health For long life 随着生活水平的不断提高。
本期话题如下:1. What should the society do for the disabled and handicapped in China? Give them confidence Not discriminate them Treat them equally Help them to help themselves Give them more job opportunities Provide more
本期话题如下: 1.The conflict between civilization and environ-ment. Advanced technology Modern buildings Motor vehicles Deforestation Global warming Environmental pollution Loss of living species 我们生活在一个科技高度发达,经济迅速发展,物质极大丰富的现代文明时代。世界各地的城市随着人口的日益增加,规模不断扩大,向周边的郊区蔓延。片片森林被伐,大量耕地被占,取而代之的是鳞次栉比的摩天大楼。
本期话题如下: 1.What is your opinion about medical insurance? Very important Needed by the development of society Pay less and get more Needs one’s awareness of its importance Should be improved 大多数人认同乘飞机、乘轮船要买保险,驾驶汽车要买保险,因为容易出事故。
本期话题如下: 1.Comment on the measures of taking careof the people who beg or do not have any means oflivelihood in cities. .A progress Help o those in difficulty Good to social stability A heavy burden to society An encourage to some lazy
1. Comment on the enthusiasm for a Master's degree. Severe competition;More knowledge; Greater ability; Higher standards ;More opportunities; Higher salary.
本期话题如下: 1.Why do some people choose to see a filmon TV at home and others prefer to go to the cinema?CheapConvenientReplayFor a changeFor better sound effectsFor better
本期话题如下: 1.What should be done to help China'steenagers develop one of the most importantqualities-independence? Praise the Value of independence Psychologically independent Sense of duties Rely on themselves Make their own choices Take care of