The Book of History in the Chapter "Wu Yi"《书·无逸》records that Duke Zhou told deeds of the famous Yin Kings Zhongzong (Zu Yi), Gaozong (Wu Ding) and Zu Jia and then changed the subject, saying that "自时厥后立王,生则逸,不知稼穑之艰难,惟耽乐是从." What is the meaning of the word "耽乐?" There is no explanation in the text, but actually it refers to hunting (田猎盘游). In the ensuing words we read the sentences "文王不敢盘于游田" and "继自今嗣王,则其无淫于观于逸,于游于田,以万民惟正之供," which can be taken as a piece of evidence for the above conclusion. By analyzing the somewhat vague literal record in The Book of History: "Wu Yi," it can be inferred that the Yin Kings after Zu Jia were largely fond of hunting.