Vietnam was at the very time to choose its direction of innovation while Soviet Russia is changing sharply.After concluding its experience and teaching and those of others in the socialist practice,Vietnamese Communist Party proposed that no sociaty but socialist system can bring people real independence,freedom and happiness,so they choose the direct way to socialism rather than passing through the capitalist period.
劳动价值论(The labor theory of value)包含了"问题"与"答案"两个方面。长期以来,我们对劳动价值论的理解和评价,往往只是停留在作为"答案"的"劳动"方面,而对作为"问题"的"价值"方面则没能给以充分关注和讨论。从威廉.配第对商品价值问题的探索来看,商品价值问题在实质上是一个"量"的"相等性"背后的"质"的"等同性"问题,劳动价值论把这种质的等同性归结为"抽象劳动",而不是其他如"生产要素"或"边际效用"。在价值学说史上,配第从"劳动"出发正确地回答了商品价值问题,而亚里士多德则正确地揭示了价值"问题"本身,彰显了经济学价值问题的哲学认识论意义。