满洲里绥芬河地学断面综合研究了松辽盆地西、东边界的构造特征.在由广角地震波速分布所得到的认识基础上,本文利用松辽盆地西边界带附近新实施的大地电磁测深(MT)(约470 km 42个测点)剖面,经过数据处理的二维电性分布,更为详细地表达了西边界带深部构造特征.与满绥断面研究相近的结果是西边界带的断裂构造表现为作为盆地西边界的嫩江断裂,在地表附近与黑河贺根山缝合带断裂叠加在一起,于深几公里以下两条断裂分开,缝合带断裂西倾并穿过地壳,嫩江断裂东倾而且可能不超壳.本次研究与满绥断面研究不同点是两条断裂分开部位之下的构造表现.由于兴安微板块与松嫩微板块间碰撞、焊合以及边界断裂走滑等复杂区域应力场作用,留存的岩石圈残片被分割在嫩江断裂两侧.所建立的地质一地球物理解释模型提供了西边界带可能的构造地质作用过程.
In practical seismic exploration, internal multiples generated when the wave impedance of medium is strong, and seismic records are recorded. The method of virtual event repress internal multiples is to move scattered points from underground to the surface, similar to the method of the surface-related multiple elimination (SRME). The method of SRME belongs to the prediction-subtraction approaches to eliminate internal multiples, prediction method is based on building a brand new way of seismic wave propagation (virtual reflection and virtual event), so that it has forward and backward wave propagation, and through convolution with significant wave to predict the internal multiples. Due to required data needing field information of full-wave, the authors use Seislet transform interpolating the missing data to ensure the premise of internal multiples prediction. The test data show that the above method has achieved good results.