Gas atomized Al85Ni10Ce5 partially amorphous alloy powders were successfully consolidated into bulk alloy specimens with high relative density at room temperature by cold hydromechanical pressing. The consolidated specimens have a high fracture strength of up to 1.1 GPa. Two densification mechanisms are proposed to explain the consolidation process. The viscous flow of the amorphous phase because of local heating facilities the elimination of residual pores.
WEI XianShunHUANG YongJiangVEKSHIN BorisSergeevitchKRAPOSHIN ValentinSidorovitchSHEN Jun
Deviation values of specific heat difference ACp, the Gibbs free energy difference AG, enthalpy dif- ference AH, and entropy difference AS between the supercooled liquid and corresponding crystalline phase produced by the linear, hyperbolic, and Dubey's expres- sions of ACp and the corresponding experimental values are determined for sixteen bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) from the glass transition temperature Tg to the melting temperature Tm. The calculated values produced by the hyperbolic expression for ACp most closely approximate experimental values, indicating that the hyperbolic ACp expression can be considered universally applicable, compared to linear and Dubey's expressions for ACp, which are accurate only within a limited range of condi- tions. For instance, Dubey's ACp expression provides a good approximation of actual experimental values within certain conditions (i.e., ~ = ACg/AC~ 〈 2, where ACpg and ACp represent the specific heat difference at temperatures Tg and Tm, respectively).