提出并实现了一种基于广播星历和区域参考网的实时精密单点定位的新算法——NAPPP(network augmented precise point positioning)。采用可实时获取的广播星历,将用户站与附近的若干参考站一起联合处理,实时估计用户站位置参数以及导航卫星轨道和钟差改正数。实验结果表明,NAPPP算法静、动态实时定位精度分别为1~2cm和2~6cm,其定位精度和收敛速度明显优于基于IGS最终轨道和30s钟差的PPP定位结果,与基于CODE最终轨道和5s钟差的PPP定位结果相当。
提出利用GPS参考网估计电离层延迟、卫星相位偏差的算法,用于实现区域内精密单点定位(Precise Point Positioning,PPP)的整周模糊度快速固定.利用站间距约为100~200km的参考网进行实验,结果表明:电离层延迟的内插和外推精度均优于1dm,卫星相位偏差估值的日内变化不超过0.2周;此外,单天内不同时刻始,固定PPP整周模糊度所需时长最多不超过10min,且当模糊度成功固定后,三维位置解较之相应浮点解的精度改善优于80%.新算法可望解决PPP普遍存在的收敛时间过长问题,增强了PPP技术的实用性.
For precise orbit determination of geosynchronous earth orbit(GEO)satellites using transfer ranging observations,it is generally assumed that the variation of the satellite transponder delay is very small and that it can be solved as a constant parameter together with satellite orbit parameters.However,this assumption is too general and it reduces the accuracy of orbit determination for GEO satellites.To study and analyse the impact of the satellite transponder delay on GEO satellites orbit determination,two schemes were proposed.First,the satellite transponder delay was eliminated by forming single-difference observations between two ground stations;second,the satellite transponder delay was described as a constant parameter.The preliminary results demonstrate a difference of about1–2 m between the two schemes when used for precise orbit determination of GEO satellites.By fixing the GEO satellite orbit and other relevant parameters estimated by single-difference model,we inversed the instantaneous transponder delay from non-difference observation.It was found that the satellite transponder delay has a distinct diurnal variation,with an amplitude of 3–4 m.The findings of this paper are helpful in establishing an accurate model of satellite transponder delay and in improving the accuracy of GEO satellites orbit determinations and predictions.
Jihua LiuZhigang LiXuhai YangJikun OuShiming ZhongBaoqi SunJiasong WangYao KongZhanke He