笔者在参加世界卫生组织(world Health Organization WHO)有关传统医学国际标准的研制以及中医相关国家标准(英文)的制定时,注意到中医一些基础学科名称的英文翻译在国内外还存在着一定的差异。2010年8月26日,国家中医药管理局委托上海市中医药发展办公室组织专家对我们所承担的“1995和1997中医国家标准”的英文翻译进行了审定。在审定会上,笔者代表课题组向与会专家汇报了本项研究所依据的理论、方法和程序。
The terms concerning body constituents in traditional Chinese medicine,comparatively speaking,are somewhat limited because the components of human body are limited.So altogether there are only 29 included
Inspection(望),one of the four diagnosticmethods traditionally used by traditional Chinesemedicine (TCM) practitioners to examinepatients,means to observe the body and specificregions as well as secreta and excreta of the pa-
2008年,世界卫生组织(World Health Organization,WHO)启动了"疾病名称国际分类第11版"(International Classification of Diseases-11,ICD-11)的修订工作[1]。与ICD前10版不同的是,在第11版的修订工作中,专门设置了第23章,拟将传统医学纳入其中。但就目前的发展来看,能纳入其中的,只有源自中国的传统医学,即中医药学。
The so-called三焦(triple energizer),a collective termfor the three portions of the body cavity,through which the visceral qi is transformed,also widely known as three burners or three heaters or three warmers,is a special anatomical concept used in traditional Chinese medicine(TCM),
The liver,located belowthe diaphragmand in the right side of the abdomen,is,according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM),the place where the ethereal soul and the blood are stored.In terms of the five elements,the
In traditional Chinese medicine(TCM),the causes of diseases are generally divided into three categories,i.e.internal cause,external cause and thecause that is neither internal