A five-axis serial-parallel kinematic milling machine, the SPKM 165, is introduced. This machine consists of a three-degree of-freedom parallel module and a two-degree-of-freedom serial table. The SPKM 165 is capable of five-face machining. A discussion of the inverse kinematics of the five-axis control is provided. A dimensional synthesis procedure is presented in terms of motion/force transmissibility. Finite-element analysis was used to evaluate the stiffness of a CAD model before the machine was manufactured. Kinematic calibration was implemented to improve the accuracy of the end effector. The results of a calibration experiment are presented. The stiffness of the developed machine was then measured. Milling experiments were conducted, and the test piece showed that the developed machine has satisfactory performance.
在连续体拓扑优化领域中,寻求更好的建模方法和更快的求解算法一直是研究人员的研究重点。为此,针对拓扑优化设计方法中的变密度法进行深入分析。研究和比较各向同性惩罚微结构法(Solid isotropic microstructure with penalization,SIMP)和材料属性有理近似模型(Rational approximation of material properties,RAMP)的优缺点后,建立基于RAMP法的优化模型,并结合导重法求解算法,用于结构拓扑优化领域。详细推导单、多工况的最小柔度拓扑优化的迭代公式,给出导重法各变量的物理定义,并分别对单工况和多工况两个典型算例进行拓扑优化计算。算例结果令人满意,同时表明RAMP插值模型结合导重法求解结构拓扑优化问题具有设计变量少、迭代次数少、收敛速度快、优化效率高的特点,验证了其可行性和高效性。