The parton rescattering effect on the charged hadron forward-backward multiplicity correlation in pp collisions at √s =200 GeV is studied by a parton and hadron cascade model, PACIAE, based on the PYTHIA model. The calculated multiplicity and pseudorapidity distribution of the final state charged hadrons are well compared with the experimental data. It is found that the final state charged hadron pseudorapidity distribution is different from the initial state charged partons. The parton rescattering effect on the charged hadron forward-backward multiplicity correlation increases with the increasing parton rescattering strength in the center pseudorapidity region (|η| 〈 1). However, this effect becomes weaker in the outer pseudorapidity region (|η| 〉 1).
An overview of research status of soft physics in high energy heavy-ion collision experiments and recent experimental results are presented. The experimental status on fluctuations and correlations has been reviewed and the outlook for research status of soft physics in LHC/ALICE has been introduced in this paper.