Abstract: Two Canadian limestones with different properties were tested to determine the effect of SO2 during the carbonation of sorbent on the CO2 capture performance in Ca- looping. When the reaction gas is mixed with SO2, the carbonation ratio of the sorbent is always lower than that without SO2 for each cycle under the same conditions, and the sulfation ratio increases almost linearly with the increase in the cycle times. At 650 ℃, there is little difference in the carbonation ratio of the sorbent during the first four cycles for the two carbonation time, 5 and 10 rain at 0. 18% SO2. The indirect sulfation reaction that occurs simultaneously with the carbonation of CaO is responsible for the degradation of the sorbent for CO2 capture, and the carbonation duration is not the main factor that affects the ability of the sorbent. 680℃ is the best carbonation temperature among the three tested temperatures and the highest carbonation ratio can be obtained. Also, the sulfation ratio is the highest. The probable cause is the different effects of temperature on the carbonation rate and sulfation rate. A higher SO2 concentration will decrease the carbonation ratio clearly, but the decrease in the carbonation capability of the sorbent is not proportional to the increase of the SO2 concentration in flue gases.
为了提高机组热经济性,对回热系统抽汽流量进行了优化。通过理论分析,建立了级组通流特性变工况模型、级组效率变工况模型、加热器变工况模型、凝汽器变工况模型,从而能够计算全工况下的机组能耗。为了增强遗传算法的全局搜索能力,对基本遗传算法进行了改进。以改进遗传算法为优化理论,抽汽流量为优化变量,汽轮机热耗率为优化目标进行了系统整体优化。优化结果表明:热耗率优化量随着负荷的升高逐渐减小,最小优化量为22.7 k J/(k W·h),最大为50.1 k J/(k W·h)。高压加热器优化后的抽汽流量均低于优化前的抽汽流量;低压加热器优化后的抽汽流量均高于优化前的抽汽流量。该方法对降低机组能耗具有一定的参考意义。