中药材品种复杂混乱给中药材流通监管造成不便,加强中药材及饮片质量监管、保证公众用药安全备受关注.本研究将二维DNA条形码技术应用于中药材流通监管领域,建立中药材二维DNA条形码流通监管体系.该体系包括DNA条形码序列获得与DNA条形码信息跨平台转换两大部分内容,以亚麻子、黑芝麻、火麻仁、蓖麻子和苘麻子5种药材共计109份样本为例研究建立该体系:依照中药材DNA条形码分子鉴定法获得待检样本DNA条形码序列;基于开源代码PHP QR Code的编码方式对实验所得DNA条形码序列进行编码,转换成二维码图片;使用移动终端扫描识读该二维码信息,并通过网页浏览器提交至中药材DNA条形码数据库获知鉴定结果.将二维码技术与DNA条形码技术相结合,为每个药材基原物种提供标准二维DNA条形码,有利于DNA条形码信息在不同平台间转换,为二维DNA条形码技术在实际流通监管工作中的应用提供理论基础,能有效实现对中药材流通的数字化监管,推动中药材流通监管现代化、国际化进程.
Global concerns have been paid to the potential hazard of traditional herbal medicinal products(THMPs). Substandard and counterfeit THMPs, including traditional Chinese patent medicine, health foods, dietary supplements, etc. are potential threats to public health. Recent marketplace studies using DNA barcoding have determined that the current quality control methods are not sufficient for ensuring the presence of authentic herbal ingredients and detection of contaminants/adulterants. An efficient biomonitoring method for THMPs is of great needed. Herein, metabarcoding and single-molecule, realtime(SMRT) sequencing were used to detect the multiple ingredients in Jiuwei Qianghuo Wan(JWQHW), a classical herbal prescription widely used in China for the last 800 years. Reference experimental mixtures and commercial JWQHW products from the marketplace were used to confirm the method. Successful SMRT sequencing results recovered 5416 and 4342 circular-consensus sequencing(CCS) reads belonging to the ITS2 and psb A-trn H regions. The results suggest that with the combination of metabarcoding and SMRT sequencing, it is repeatable, reliable, and sensitive enough to detect species in the THMPs, and the error in SMRT sequencing did not affect the ability to identify multiple prescribed species and several adulterants/contaminants. It has the potential for becoming a valuable tool for the biomonitoring of multi-ingredient THMPs.