We prove existence and uniqueness of the global solution to the Cauchy problem on a universe fireworks model with finite total mass at the initial state when the ratio of the mass surviving the explosion, the probability of the explosion of fragments and the probability function of the velocity change of a surviving particle satisfy the corresponding physical conditions. Although the nonrelativistic Boltzmann-like equation modeling the universe fireworks is mathematically easy, this article leads rather theoretically to an understanding of how to construct contractive mappings in a Banach space for the proof of the existence and uniqueness of the solution by means of methods taken from the famous work by DiPerna & Lions about the Boltzmann equation. We also show both the regularity and the time-asymptotic behavior of solution to the Cauchy problem.
证明了由m个Lμp空间产生的Banach向量空间(Lμp)m的弱Banach-Saks性质,其中m是自然数, 1 p <+∞.当m= 1时,这就是著名的Banach-Saks-Szlenk定理.运用该性质,还给出了定义在向量空间Rm的一个凸集上的非负连续凸函数与取值在空间(Lpμ)m的一个弱紧子集中的向量值函数的复合函数的积分不等式.当这些向量值函数属于由m个Lμ∞空间产生的积空间(Lμ∞)m的一个弱*紧子集时,类似的积分不等式还是成立的.