In this paper we consider a non-standard inverse heat conduction problem for determining surface heat flux from an interior observation which appears in some applied subjects. This problem is ill-posed in the sense that the solution (if it exists)does not depend continuously on the data. A Fourier method is applied to formulate a regularized approximation solution, and some sharp error estimates are also given.
Tikhonov正则化方法是研究不适定问题最重要的正则化方法之一,但由于这种方法的饱和效应出现的太早,使得无法随着对解的光滑性假设的提高而提高正则逼近解的收敛率,也即对高的光滑性假设,正则解与准确解的误差估计不可能达到阶数最优.Schrroter T 和Tautenhahn U给出了一类广义Tikhonov正则化方法并重点讨论了它的最优误差估计, 但却未能对该方法的饱和效应进行研究.本文对此进行了仔细分析,并发现此方法可以防止饱和效应,而且数值试验结果表明此方法计算效果良好.