In order to provide predictable runtime performante for text categorization (TC) systems, an innovative system design method is proposed for soft real time TC systems. An analyzable mathematical model is established to approximately describe the nonlinear and time-varying TC systems. According to this mathematical model, the feedback control theory is adopted to prove the system's stableness and zero steady state error. The experiments result shows that the error of deadline satisfied ratio in the system is kept within 4 of the desired value. And the number of classifiers can be dynamically adjusted by the system itself to save the computa tion resources. The proposed methodology enables the theo retical analysis and evaluation to the TC systems, leading to a high-quality and low cost implementation approach.
Piveteau signature scheme allows message recovery but the methodology differs from that of the Nyberg-Rueppel schemes. This paper analyzes the security of the Piveteau scheme by designing some attacks. Two improved methods to Piveteau signature scheme and Nyberg-Rueppel schemes were developed to avoid these weaknesses. Analyses of the security of the improved schemes prove that the improved methods can effectively handle the attacks proposed in this paper.
由于现有的基于“点对点”(peer to peer,P 2P)网络的小额支付协议具有存在中央瓶颈,缺乏负载平衡机制等缺陷,该文提出了一种新的充分利用P 2P系统特性的小额支付协议CPay。该协议在系统全部节点形成的集合与具有较高性能的节点子集合间建立动态相容哈希映射,每笔交易都需支付方对应的具有较高性能的节点进行校验,从而确保电子货币的任何非法使用都会被及时检测到。协议有效利用了系统的异构性,并能实现负载均衡,利用随机Petri网对CPay进行建模,分析和模拟结果表明CPay相比此前的研究成果具有更低的延迟和更高的吞吐率。