This paper uses all 1404 initial public offerings (1PO) undertaken between 2002 and 2012 in China to analyze whether venture capital (VC) investment, especially foreign VC investment, brings more or less value-added services to the invested companies during the 3 years following the IPO. The results show that venture capitalists choose to invest in companies with higher value potential, and, in turn, the value of the companies increases after the 1PO is undertaken;foreign VC adds more value to companies than domestic venture capital. However, the profitability of VC-backed and non VC-backed companies after IPO does not differ significantly. Nevertheless, it is shown that VC plays an active role in China.
本文以2004—2014年我国主动型股票基金为研究样本,借鉴Cohen et al.(2005)的方法,研究了基金经理选股"抱团"对基金业绩的影响。研究发现,基金经理选股"抱团"一定程度上能够提升基金业绩,但选股"抱团"提升基金业绩的能力是有限的:首先,从基金经理能力来看,只有选股能力弱、历史业绩差的基金经理可以通过选股"抱团"策略提升其业绩;其次,从提升的程度来看,选股"抱团"策略并不能使基金业绩超过行业平均水平,而仅能使其业绩超过历史业绩差的基金;最后,从市场形势来看,选股"抱团"提升基金业绩只有在市场处于牛市时才能实现。本文丰富了机构投资者行为的相关研究,对我国机构投资者的发展和相关监管政策的制订也具有一定的借鉴意义。