To track the vehicles under occlusion, a vehicle tracking algorithm based on blocks is proposed. The target vehicle is divided into several blocks of uniform size, in which the edge block can overlap its neighboring blocks. All the blocks' motion vectors are estimated, and the noise motion vectors are detected and adjusted to decrease the error of motion vector estimation. Then, by moving the blocks based on the adjusted motion vectors, the vehicle is tracked. Aiming at the occlusion between vehicles, a Markov random field is established to describe the relationship between the blocks in the blocked regions. The neighborhood of blocks is defined using the Euclidean distance. An energy function is defined based on the blocks' histograms and optimized by the simulated annealing algorithm to segment the occlusion region. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can track vehicles under occlusion accurately.
In order to effectively improve the quality of recovered images, a single frame super-resolution reconstruction method based on sparse representation is proposed. The combination method of local orientation estimation-based image patch clustering and principal component analysis is used to obtain a series of geometric dictionaries of different orientations in the dictionary learning process. Subsequently, the dictionary of the nearest orientation is adaptively assigned to each of the input patches that need to be represented in the sparse coding process. Moreover, the consistency of gradients is further incorporated into the basic framework to make more substantial progress in preserving more fine edges and producing sharper results. Two groups of experiments on different types of natural images indicate that the proposed method outperforms some state-of- the-art counterparts in terms of both numerical indicators and visual quality.
A direct linear discriminant analysis algorithm based on economic singular value decomposition (DLDA/ESVD) is proposed to address the computationally complex problem of the conventional DLDA algorithm, which directly uses ESVD to reduce dimension and extract eigenvectors corresponding to nonzero eigenvalues. Then a DLDA algorithm based on column pivoting orthogonal triangular (QR) decomposition and ESVD (DLDA/QR-ESVD) is proposed to improve the performance of the DLDA/ESVD algorithm by processing a high-dimensional low rank matrix, which uses column pivoting QR decomposition to reduce dimension and ESVD to extract eigenvectors corresponding to nonzero eigenvalues. The experimental results on ORL, FERET and YALE face databases show that the proposed two algorithms can achieve almost the same performance and outperform the conventional DLDA algorithm in terms of computational complexity and training time. In addition, the experimental results on random data matrices show that the DLDA/QR-ESVD algorithm achieves better performance than the DLDA/ESVD algorithm by processing high-dimensional low rank matrices.