The reaction-transport model is widely used to identify and quantify dissolved chemical species in sediment porewaters. In this paper, a modularized code framework of diagenetic model was proposed as a diagnostic tool to fit the porewater profiles in marine sediments. Based on the conservation principle of the finite volume method, we combined the discretized diagenetic equations with various geochemical reactions, including but not limited to methanogenesis, sulfate reduction, etc.. The code was organized in object-oriented FORTRAN and verified with literature parameters, which proved its robustness and effectiveness. Finally, three different sites(IODP Expedition 311 Site U1327, UBGH2-1_1, ODP Leg204 Site 1245) are exemplified as case studies.
Phosphatic rocks are widely distributed in Neoproterozoic Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation in Yangtze Gorges Area, South China. In this study, rare earth element geochemistry of eight phosphatic rock samples from the Hushan Section has been studied. All the samples display typical hat-shaped REE patterns, moderate negative Ce anomalies(Ce/Ce*=0.55 to 0.67), slightly positive Eu anomalies(Eu/Eu*=1.05 to 1.22) and low Y/Ho ratios(38.2±5.6). The hat-shaped REE patterns indicate diagenetic alteration of the primary REE signatures, which coincides with detrital siliciclastic sources of REE based on the Y/Ho ratios. The degree of Negative Ce anomalies and positive Eu anomalies may have recorded the redox features of diagenetic fluids, suggesting an anoxic environment during the phosphogenesis processes in Neoproterozoic Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation, South China. The geochemical comparison between the Lower Phosphorite Layer and Upper Phosphorite Layer at Hushan indicates a greater degree of diagenesis occurred in the Upper Layer than the Lower one. Besides the terrigenous sources of REE, organic materials could have also played a role on the REE characteristics.
Hong XinShaoyong JiangJinghong YangHeping WuDaohui Pi
根据山东长清县张夏镇馒头山馒头组采集到的三叶虫新材料,重新厘定和恢复群星虫(Asteromajia Nan and Chang,1982)作为裂头虫科内有效属名的地位,将徐庄虫(Hsuchuangia Lu and Zhu in Qiu et al.,1983),八公山虫(Bagongshania Lin in Qiu et al.,1983)作为群星虫的晚出异名。修订我国以往所描述的毛庄期和徐庄期4个属(Kochaspis Resser,1935,Asteromajia Nan and Chang,1982,Hsuchuangia Lu and Zhu in Qiu et al.,1983,Bagongshania Lin in Qiu et al.,1983)内的15个种的特征和头尾搭配,归并为4属,10种:Temnoura huoshanensis(Zhang and Wang,1985),Zhongtiaoshanaspis angustilimbata(Meng in Zhou et al.,1977),Solenoparia funingensis(An in Duan et al.,2005),Asteromajia hsuchuangensis(Lu in Lu and Dong,1952),A.quadrata(Resser and Endo,1937),A.liuheensis(An,1966),A.huainanensis(Lin in Qiu et al.,1983),A.lüliangshanensis(Zhang and Wang,1985),A.?yangchengensis(Zhang and Wang,1985),A.?longiceps(Lu and Zhu,2001),其中后2个种的归属尚有疑问。
In the present study, we carried out trace element analyses of black shales of the Edia- caran Doushantou Formation from two sections (Jiulongwan, Baiguoyuan) in Hubei Province, South China. Mo-U characteristics of black shales from the two sections and compiled Mo-U data of Dou- shantuo black shales from sections of a variety of sedimentary facies described the temporal/spatial variability in the redox conditions of paleo-seawater during deposition of the Donshantuo Formation. Changes in Mo-U patterns of the Doushantuo Member II (DST2) shales of open marine environments are consistent with a shift from a predominately oxic to a predominately anoxic ocean during their deposition. Mo-U patterns of the DST2 black shales from intra-shelf sections reflect basin restriction may have happened in the intra-shelf basin and are compatible with the redox-stratified model of the intra-shelf basin. Mo-U patterns of black shales of the Doushantuo Member IV (DST4) reveal that the shales from intra-shelf sections have more pronounced Mo enrichment and more significant enrich- ment of Mo over U than the slope shales, indicating the operation of a Mn particulate shuttle in the intra-shelf basin. High Mo/TOC ratios of the DST4 at the intra-shelf sections, in combination with similar Mo-TOC patterns of the DST4 from both intra-shelf and slope sections, indicate the intra- shelf basin was well connected to the open ocean during deposition of the DST4.