In order to improve the strength and stiffness of shield cutterhead, the method of fuzzy mathematics theory in combination with the finite element analysis is adopted. An optimal design model of structural parameters for shield cutterhead is formulated,based on the complex engineering technical requirements. In the model, as the objective function of the model is a composite function of the strength and stiffness, the response surface method is applied to formulate the approximate function of objective function in order to reduce the solution scale of optimal problem. A multi-objective genetic algorithm is used to solve the cutterhead structure design problem and the change rule of the stress-strain with various structural parameters as well as their optimal values were researched under specific geological conditions. The results show that compared with original cutterhead structure scheme, the obtained optimal scheme of the cutterhead structure can greatly improve the strength and stiffness of the cutterhead, which can be seen from the reduction of its maximum equivalent stress by 21.2%, that of its maximum deformation by 0.75%, and that of its mass by 1.04%.